xox amen

  1. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Serious & Urgent Un-Spoken Prayer Requests Today Father In Jesus's Name Hear My Heart Cries To You & Be Moved To Have Compassion On Me Please Amen XOX

    My Dearest Abba-Father...My Daddy-God In Heaven Above Please send the miracles and most miraculous answers that i have need of In Your Son Jesus's Name You know all that is in my heart and mind that i have shared with You in prayer today MAKE A WAY FOR ME PLEASE THAT IS A TESTIMONY TO YOUR...
  2. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Need Prayer For A Housing Miracle & i can never sleep & i have too much on my mind Thank-you to everyone for your kind intercessions In Jesus's Name !

    I am waiting to hear about 2 possible Apt's for rent in the same building The landlord's name is Howard & the superintendent is my friend Pastor Raul I ask for The Lord's Perfect Will to be done with either of these rentals Abba-Father-Daddy-God in Jesus's Name please bless me with A Housing...
  3. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Serious Prayer Needed Please it is a miracle that i have not had a nervous breakdown ever in my whole life & i believe it is God Keeping Me Safe/Sane.

    This situation is way too much to explain here but The Lord knows every detail & i have committed all of it into His Hands I deeply thank-you from the bottom of my heart for your caring prayers for me as i do not want to have any nightmares tonight nor to be in distress or upset anymore I...
  4. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Help me Lord

    For You know what i need most even better then i myself do Help me Oh Lord my God...xox...Amen...
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