xmas time

  1. Anonymous

    Please continue praying for my health issue

    Hi all, I posted around xmas time about my severe panic attacks, i can no longer even drink coffee or enjoy meaningful wholesome life and feel paralysed, dizzy. eye problems (dimming brightness and blackout in vision) and palpitations in heart due to me having smoked weed. I already made a post...
  2. Irinpal

    Money set free

    I speak 🗣️ into existence I get my money back Micheal gives my money back my stuff back 🔙 and blesses my life 🧬 and his family because it's Xmas time and it wasn't a good thing I cleaned it for them now they cleaned it for me. Let all disgrace go back 🔙 to sender fast ⏩ and easy let them have...
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