wrong spirit

  1. Busqueoficioin God

    Rebuking this harrasment / assault spirit in neighboring and other areas church

    Rebuking this wrong spirit around neighbor, church family, betrayal friends with harrasment giving something or put false sons in my life I am sorry with this confusion but don’t force to love somebody “ only God can love this sons is looking for father or mother with empty heart or...
  2. Busqueoficioin God

    Rebuking the meddling neighbor gossiping bad intentions

    Could you please rebuking the bad spirit in the neighborhood, church and other places spread gossiping with bad intentions of damaging my reputation the bad habits sending messages or text use the mouth another or word of another want or permission for giving wrong favor or increasing their life...
  3. Busqueoficioin God

    Rebuking the gossiping meddling bad intentions in the ###

    Rebuking the bad spirit in the neighborhood with bad intentions, defiant with spread information about other place church, neighborhood with bullying harassment, fake sponsor for giving something, force to do favor for increasing their life with my suffering, division, fight discord, spirit...
  4. Busqueoficioin God

    Rebuking the idle/ lazy with sickness spirit in the neighborhood and areas with meddling

    Could you please rebuking this wrong spirit all day with false encounter with ride in the street spread information wrong about in and out “ where I am going” send us erroneous man or boy missing the member family with harrasment and bullying with sabotage/ mockery error spirit put disorder like...
  5. Busqueoficioin God

    Prayer for harrasment/bullying / cheating spirit

    Could you please rebuking this wrong spirit gossiping, meddling, lying, pressure for open them door of giving my life my clothes they don’t do nothing but with this wrong behavior is pretending steal life, steal thoughts, steal my clothes, could you please stop this madness wrong sorcery spirit...
  6. Busqueoficioin God

    Rebuking the sabotage/ harassment meddling in ### and other areas

    Rebuking the wrong spirit spread gossip meddling in the neighborhood about false encounter with disorder sabotage with sorcery spirit for destroy with divorce empty put them smile with kind wrong behavior in bad news with bill or sickness For giving increasing with this wrong situation rebuking...
  7. Busqueoficioin God

    Rebuking the confusion spirit

    could you please rebuking of wrong spirit of confusion to try confusing me with another woman “ I am not her “ or man “ he is not him” in the ### with false encounter “ we are going to do the same thing “ in and out that is the wrong guessing spirit “ gossiping or distributing information about...
  8. Busqueoficioin God

    Pray for protection against wrong spirit

    Rebuking the wrong spirit around neighbor or another areas to share information about my life or what I am doing for fake meeting encounters, with error man or son (s) like missing a member family looking for orphans for them and looking for false infusion relative with error guessing spirit...
  9. Busqueoficioin God

    Error spirit

    A selfish spirit that wants me to not have a family is testing me, betraying me, it is a mocking error spirit, a wrong spirit of sabotage, of threats of abandonment, a mistake spirit that wants to challenge, defy and discredit and of aggressiveness of rudeness this kind torment spirit is trying...
  10. Busqueoficioin God

    Rebuking a error extra charge or extra bill around my life

    Hi Could you please pray for this contagious meddling information to affect my finances or increasing the finances another to force wrong door to confuse me with bill or extra charge they want I sacrifice for this kind advantage people give them smile and put me down or sadness Could you...
  11. Busqueoficioin God

    Rebuking the meddling/ nosy neighbor

    Could you please rebuking this bad habit to share information or sending text or pictures for damage reputations or giving increment with my suffering or force to looking the boy or sons “ they are not my son “ pray for sexual confusion, family confusion, abnormal ### or ### persons with...
  12. Busqueoficioin God

    Rebuking the guessing/ meddling neighbor wrong spirit with divorce

    Could you please pray for my ### am praying for moving this ### soon with bad intentions to divorce empty, meddling disorder traps with share information to false encounter, send me wrong people to destroy my life, harassment with man voyeurism spirits, steal my clothes or transfer them with my...
  13. Busqueoficioin God

    Rebuking Wrong spirit

    They have a wrong spirit to looking for a replacement with “match lover “ they want my clothes spiritual to do a transfer of my life with my suffering and pretending giving them power or permission sending false encounter use the mouth another this confusion spirit is looking for a replacement...
  14. Busqueoficioin God

    Rebuking defiant neighbors gossip meddling destructive behavior

    Rebuking this neighbor abusive with steal the peace in house with meddling spirit steal the clothes and giving error thing they are destroying the private in house follow with false encounter with riddle please pray for moving soon this house run this destructive behavior neighbor with the man...
  15. Busqueoficioin God

    Praying for stop the meddling, gossiping disappear wrong spirit

    Could you please rebuking around my life in neighboring the wrong spirit of meddling, false riddles, lies for put the mind in disorder for trying to send to asylum, bad intentions with sexual assault and abuse spirit or imitation for steal clothed spiritual or life, with disappear to figure I am...
  16. Busqueoficioin God

    Rebuking the sabotage spirit and false encounter gossip harassment in the ###

    Could you please rebuking the harassment, sabotage spirit, assault, clothes, and life spiritual giving something in the neighborhood false encounter with the man with sons to looking how steal or transfer my life this kind the wrong spirit to adore false sons sorry they are needing something...
  17. Busqueoficioin God

    Rebuking the sabotage and malicious gossip/nosy error spirit

    Please continue praying for the sabotage invention spirit with missing and disappear thing or they hidden for increasing their life or false confrontation to make a fighting environment for division, rumor, and destruction of reputation for their convenience please pray for this wrong spirit or...
  18. Busqueoficioin God

    False encounter

    Could you please continue praying for appointment pray for my peace in the better hands of God please stop this neighbor with the man or sons sorry I am not guarding of life another with my suffering sorry I am surviving with my life too stop this woman sending this wrong spirit around my life...
  19. Busqueoficioin God

    Error spirit

    erroneous spirit of leisure, laziness, gossip, false prophecies, making conjectures with conversations, gossip in the neighborhood that spreads everywhere without caring about human ache with a harassment of biopsies with bad intentions of ruining the lives of others with cancer giving despair...
  20. Busqueoficioin God

    Harrasment spirit

    Summary (due to privacy): Prayer request for deliverance from manipulation, control, and harassment in personal and professional life. Seeking God's intervention against deception, loneliness, and exclusion from events. Praying for humility and correction of those who have been rude and harmful.
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