worst person

  1. Malimrold


    I don’t know how I ended up here, but I just feel the need to pour my thoughts out for prayer. I don't really have anyone to talk to at the moment. I've been married for less than a year, and my husband suffers from chronic pain, which I knew when we were dating. But living together, as much as...
  2. Anonymous

    I need some help. Bear with me. ...

    I need some help. Bear with me. I started being attacked by demonic spirits 3 years ago after I expressed to my family that I wanted to get married in a normal, Christian relationship. It was like a benevolent spirit came to visit me. I thought maybe this was an ex or benevolent female ghost who...
  3. Anonymous

    I'm the worst person the worst mother.i ...

    I'm the worst person the worst mother.i hit my daughter out of anger and frustration. My lovely daughter.they are my world and I love them more than anything. I asked her to forgive me. God jesus please help.me. she doesnt talk to me much now. We were so close. 😭😭😭😭 it's all my fault. Jesus...
  4. (Zian)

    I am the worst person...Anything I want ...

    I am the worst person...Anything I want that will not get in my life and going on adjustments... Am hating myself very much now
  5. Barrin

    Good Night Kindly pray for deliverance for ...

    Good Night Kindly pray for deliverance for me and my family I have am beyond hurt, the things my common-law husband said to me and how he views me, he constantly cheats and see nothing good in me all he dashes to wards me is negativity, he belittles me, judge and hold on to grudges from the...
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