worsening condition

  1. Prattgirl247


    Requesting a prayer to pray for a patient of mine for seizures he has them every day and they are getting worse daily.
  2. PrayerWarrior360

    Dear prayer community, I humbly come before ...

    Dear prayer community, I humbly come before you to seek your prayers for my dear sister, who is currently facing tremendous challenges and has lost faith in God's love. I am deeply saddened to share that she underwent a traumatic experience with a pastor who was supposed to provide comfort and...
  3. PrayerWarrior360

    Dear prayer community, I humbly come before ...

    Dear prayer community, I humbly come before you to seek your prayers for my dear sister, who is currently facing tremendous challenges and has lost faith in God's love. I am deeply saddened to share that she underwent a traumatic experience with a pastor who was supposed to provide comfort and...
  4. Kolodioth


    Dear Lord, TY for G's friendship + positive attitude. TY for this strong Christian family, who finds goodness + blessings where others would see only sorrow + heartache. TY that G's dad still manages to love life, in spite of his gradually worsening condition. Preserve his cognitive + physical...
  5. Anonymous


    Please pray for me. I have debilitating arthritis in my spine--with nerve damage--and continue to work every day. I am in severe pain all the time. I also have a severe case of muscle tension dysphonia. I lose my voice all the time, and it feels like throat has the skin pulled off it and is raw...
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