working desk

  1. Miranda T

    Healing and provision of a new job

    Pray for Healing of left foot injury and the bruises of the bones and ligaments, so that I can walk without pain very soon. Pray also for healing of my right sacroilliac (SIJ) joint no more dislocation and snapping sound. Healing from tiredness, anxiety. Pray for provision of a new suitable job...
  2. Miranda T

    Healing and provision of a job

    Pray for healing of my right sacroilliac (SIJ) joint no more dislocation and snapping sound. Healing from tiredness, anxiety. Pray for provision of a new suitable job by end of Dec. Protection from traps and insults from my boss and workmate in my current temp job. Pray that there will be...
  3. Miranda T

    Healing and provision of a new job

    Pray for healing of my right sacroilliac (SIJ) joint no more dislocation and snapping sound. Healing from recovery of heaving menstruation period Pray for provision of a new suitable job by end of Dec. Pray that there will be no overtime of work today. God will let my body recovered and give...
  4. Miranda T

    Healing and provision of a new job

    Pray for healing of my left scapular, no more dislocation and snapping sound. Healing from heaving menstruation period Pray for provision of a new suitable job by end of Dec. Pray that there will be no overtime of work today. God will let my body recovered and give me more strength n wisdom to...
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