Father God I pray against the spirit of affliction, and oppression, I also ask for you to CHANGE ME OH GOD MAKE ME MORE LIKE YOU, remove and wicked, demonic spirits that may still be lingering in my home or around me, I pray to be delivered from where I’m currently working at the same time God I...
career path
country: united states
fresh anointing
last three months
medical assisting
medical skills
same time
wicked demonic spirits
word curse
I want to say thanks in advance to those who will see this prayer and choose to serve God by praying for my request. For by faith, we serve God and the word says "God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man soeth, that will he also reap." I ask for a faithful intercessor to pray expecting to reap a...
country: united states
current employer
current role
enough hours
faithful intercessor
mental health issues
pay period
virtual assistant skills
writing skills