work anniversary

  1. ronnieronnieronnie

    Breakthrough/Novena/Prayer Request

    Father in heave, I thank You for all the graces and blessings received. I praise and glorify Your name. I confess for all my sins through thoughts, words and deeds. I trust in You O God. In Jesus' name. Amen. God, I continue to pray the following: 1. That I will win 1M in the work anniversary...
  2. ronnieronnieronnie


    Lord, I thank you for all the blessings . I love and praise You. I trust in You. In Jesus' name. Amen. Lord, forgive me for all my sins. Never permit me to separate from you. I pray for the following: 1. That I will be able to graduate on time and be able to finish my masters/data gathering...
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