wooden yoke

  1. Visionary1


    How do we know when it is God's Word and not man's? IT IS WRITTEN. I had planned a completely different subject for this entry, but having attended street church this morning, where the minister spoke from the book of Jeremiah, the Holy Spirit led me to revist and redistribute this message...
  2. Visionary1

    PROCESSES (Part 2)

    Another Word To All Cities. Yesterday, I had an unfortunate exchange with yet another big strong man, who seemed to sum up the obvious attitude of this city towards me. He screamed out at me: "You need to take your a** back to wherever you came from!" I responded (yes, I responded), "I am...
  3. Visionary1


    Can Hagar bring forth? Of course she can; And did. But, what God says, He means. Abram could've bed-down all the Hagars he found among Sarai's handmaidens, but God did not say Hagar, He said Sarai. Therefore, Hagar brought forth Ishmael. And indeed Hagar could've produced a whole quiver of...
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