wonderful new people

  1. Anonymous

    Prayers please

    Praying for husbands job to be saved and that we get this reassurance asap. Trying to sell our house and move to a cheaper home in case the worst happens and if it doesn’t at least we will be in a better place to retire sooner. So pray we get a wonderful offer and fast. Praying my daughter’s...
  2. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    An Up-Date For Prayer & thank-you to everyone for your caring soo much Plz Know All Of You Are Very Special Prayer Partners & I Am Most Grateful XOXOX

    Thank-you to everyone for your compassionate caring & your soo kind prayers for me & my senior citizen friend UP-DATE my senior friend went ballistic on me this morning because i was not able to put a hold on his mail at the post office They want him to come in person & show them photo I.D. as...
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