wonderful mothers

  1. Puxam

    I pray for all mothers especially for Jesus Christ mother in appreciation gratefulness and unconditional love

    A prayer for all the wonderful mothers around the world may God bless them
  2. SingerMonica

    A song to a wonderful mother.

    Life is like a beautiful melody sung by those who love the Lord who send wonderful mothers to our life who care, who love and who pray for all her children. They all want to see their offspring in heaven praising, honoring and adoring His holy name along with angels in glory. Holy is the Lord...
  3. ElderBrakenbridge

    Wonderful mothers who care.

    God sent wonderful people to our life. He has chosen wonderful praying mothers who worry so much about their children being saved and on their way to heaven. Caring mothers are sent by the Lord to show love, care, devotion and more than that, teach all her children to love Jesus with all...
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