Heavenly father I thank u this morning. Pls deliver me from all evil and all wickedness. Pls create in me a clean heart and a pure mind. Pls protect me as I venture out this morning and as I come back home. Pls protect me from all demonic attacks satanic attacks intrusive thoughts bad thoughts...
bad intentions
clean heart
country: unknown
demonic attacks
evil thoughts
heavenly father
intrusive thoughts bad thoughts
pure mind pls
satanic attacks
Heavenly father I thank u this morning. Pls be with me. That I will make it through my shift and return safely. Pls deliver me from the hands of the enemy satanic attacks temptations spiritual attacks from all demons and all evil and all wickedness. Pls that I will complete all my assignments...
Heavenly father I need total deliverance and healing from witchcraft and black magic and all darkness and all unrighteousness and evil and wickedness. Pls consistently sanctify my heart and my brain. Pls help me that I be set free from all this and live a normal life and become tha individual u...
heavenly father pls protect me save from this wicked planet from wicked mindsets from witchcraft from occult from evil from works of flesh from spiritual attacks from sin from demons iniquity from wickedness. Pls make my prayer life my purity and my intimacy with you much better. That there will...
heavenly father pls help in my driving & my courses. Pls help me to be successful in this areas. Pls prepare me for my road test Feb 26 @ 9:15 in morning in Providence RI. Pls protect me from evil from demons from demonic attacks satanic attacks & spiritual attacks & witchcraft spells witchcraft...
country: unknown
demonic attacks
heavenly father pls
name amen
occult occultism
providence ri
road test
satanic attacks
spiritual attacks
heavenly father pls remove & break & destroy & burn all demonic mindsets all satanic mindsets all evil mindsets all wicked mindsets. Pls protect me from all types of evils from all types of ungodliness all types of unholiness all types of lawlessness all types of wickedness. Pls give me a holy &...