wicked spirit husband

  1. Wyeek

    Am CHRISTABEL a 39yr old lady but ...

    Am CHRISTABEL a 39yr old lady but not married yet. Things have been very rough n tough for me over d years, just opened an EATERY business August 6th but sales r very slow. Terrible nightmares, lack of FAVOUR and helpers, very wicked spirit husband, no Godly responsible suitors coming for me let...
  2. Wylandadh

    please pray for me im so hard hearted towards God

    God has done so much for me, got me of so many drugs and sexual desire and even a wicked spirit husband but I just feel like He has deserted me. I dont understand why I cant stop smoking I have been trying for years, so many times I have thrown my tobacco away or given it away but i just end up...
  3. Wylandadh

    please pray for me im getting increasingly hard hearted towards God, i know deep down He doesnt deserve this but i just cant seem to stop myself

    God has done so much for me, got me of so many drugs and sexual desire and even a wicked spirit husband but I just feel like He has deserted me. I dont understand why I cant stop smoking I have been trying for years, so many times I have thrown my tobacco away or given it away but i just end up...
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