heavenly father pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all sins. pls crush and destroy and put to death all witchcraft evil wickedness evil heart wicked heart evil intentions bad intentions evil mindsets demonic mindsets wicked mindsets demonic activities familiar spirits bad habits...
Heavenly father pls protect me this night and this morning I go to sleep. Pls deliver me from serpentine spirits anger playing mind games spirits of antichrist witchcraft evil eye evil mindsets wicked mindsets evil thoughts wicked thoughts occult warlocks pls clean my brain and my heart and pls...
Heavenly father pls protect me this night and this morning I go to sleep. Pls deliver me from serpentine spirits anger playing mind games spirits of antichrist witchcraft evil eye evil mindsets wicked mindsets evil thoughts wicked thoughts occult warlocks pls clean my brain and my heart and pls...
Heavenly father pls set me free and save me from all demonic mindsets and all wicked mindsets from all intrusive thoughts and all negative thoughts and all types of witchcraft all types of evil all sin all works of flesh. Pls make me righteous and holy on inside and outside and that I will...
Heavenly father pls set me free and save me from all demonic mindsets and all wicked mindsets from all intrusive thoughts and all negative thoughts and all types of witchcraft all types of evil all sin all works of flesh. Pls make me righteous and holy on inside and outside and that I will...
Removal of all evil mindsets wicked mindsets satanic mindsets and demonic mindsets. Deliverance from spirits of antichrist. Dear GOD I need a major transformation in my life. In JESUS precious name. AMEN.
Heavenly father if there r any demons inside of me or in my home pls cast them all out. I need constant protection from spiritual attacks temptations evil mindsets thooughts of occult thoughts of evil thoughts of witches and witchcraft and demons and wickedness and disobedience and stubbornness...
heavenly father pls protect me this night. Pls protect me from spiritual attacks this night from demons from witches from witchcraft from satanic mindsets from evil mindsets from wicked mindsets. In JESUS name. AMEN.
heavenly father pls protect me save from this wicked planet from wicked mindsets from witchcraft from occult from evil from works of flesh from spiritual attacks from sin from demons iniquity from wickedness. Pls make my prayer life my purity and my intimacy with you much better. That there will...
heavenly father pls remove & break & destroy & burn all demonic mindsets all satanic mindsets all evil mindsets all wicked mindsets. Pls protect me from all types of evils from all types of ungodliness all types of unholiness all types of lawlessness all types of wickedness. Pls give me a holy &...
MY LORD please remove all evil mindset all intrusive mindsets all wicked mindsets all witchcraft all witchcraft spells all sinful mindsets. Please rescue & protect me from this please help me to always have a righteousness positive mindset at all times. Please my LORD I need YOUR intervention.