Heavenly pls destroy and put to death all demonic activities in my life. Pls cast Satan and his demons and all witchcraft and all his attacks and all satanic attacks and all spiritual attacks out of my life. Pls break and destroy and put to death all generational curses all curses all yokes all...
Heavenly pls destroy and put to death all demonic activities in my life. Pls cast Satan and his demons and all witchcraft and all his attacks and all satanic attacks and all spiritual attacks out of my life. Pls break and destroy and put to death all generational curses all curses all yokes all...
Heavenly pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all sins and all unrighteousess. Pls help me that I will make heaven and that I will overcome all things. That I will stop sinning totally. And protected from all wicked dreams nightmares and spiritual attacks. Amen.
Heavenly father I thank u this morning. Pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all unrighteousess. Pls help me that I will remain strong on my faith and continue to truly seek u. Heavenly pls I need Deliverance from all wicked dreams intrusive thoughts...
Heavenly father pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all sins and all unrighteousess. That I will be in right standing with u at all times and be spotless blameless and righteousness. Pls protect me this night. Pls I committed my home my heart and my life in your care this night. Pls...
Dear GOD I'm in need of healing spiritual healing and a major transformation in my life. Continuos Protection from attacks of tha enemy spiritual attacks evil dreams satanic dreams and wicked dreams. In JESUS name. AMEN. Continuos Protection from attacks of tha enemy spiritual attacks evil...
continuous protection
country: unknown
enemy spiritual attacks evil dreams
healing spiritual healing
major transformation
satanic dreamswickeddreams
Dear GOD pls I hope that you will rapture us believers soon. I pray that you will save tha mailman that delivers tha mail in my area that he also become a believer and accept you as his LORD and savior if he hasn't already. Plz protect me from spiritual attacks from attacks of tha enemy from all...
heavenly father pls protect me this night. Pls help me to shine brightly for you. Pls forgive me clean me of my sins & iniquities. Pls help me to repent & fully turn from my sins & inquities & pursue you. Pls set me free me from spirits of disobedience & stubbornness & combativeness. Pls protect...