Very urgent lord please please make Paul a send me cheque for failed whiteing treatment I paid for that didn't work make move in him to fully refund me send me cheque and letter deeply sincerely apologising to me for hurting upsetting me fix all my teeth please lord without any delay melt melt...
Lord please please restore all evdry broken missing teeth I have asap without any delay please lird get 3 brand new crowns in 3 broken teeth I have please asap no more delays on this lord please get me brand new bridges in tooth thsts moving asao the whitening treatment for my teeth I desire...
Very urgent lord please please make the dental hospital please please fit 3 brand new crowns brabx new bridges please lord kn all broken missing teeth please thghg now asap please without any delay no more delays jn this please lord in jesus name done perfectly paid for by NHS please please do...
Very urgent lord I ask you please please make the dental hospital please please fit 3 brabd new crowns new brand new bridges please on all every broken missing teeth I have please right now as soon as possible please done perfectly paid for please by NHS please lord do this for me rivht now...