white supremacist

  1. Terisard

    202310180356: I do apologize for these next ...

    202310180356: I do apologize for these next comments. I was praying for a few of the prayer requests on this website and I received this evil presence, as though the snake was slithering in my ear, or the white supremacist and the evil of hatred was roaring in my frontal lobe. Please be not...
  2. Terisard

    202201160159...What a blessing. Please forgive me, but ...

    202201160159...What a blessing. Please forgive me, but according to the white supremecist 'I'm the only white person, who has had the vaccination.'..Everytime that man opens his mouth, he oblitarates everything Good, someone has done for him or helped him to come to a realization of himself. As...
  3. Hapgarth

    Prayer for my family

    Pray er for my family, and other families the white supremacist is planning to attack black mens, children and women for initial to hang them and kill them this weekend got this from people that heard about this. This is so sad that darkness is taking over there mind. Keep my family and other...
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