white mountain apache tribe

  1. Anonymous

    Prayer request for elderly lady to keep staying with her family members and not to keep living alone in white mountain apache tribe because of gas sme

    Prayer request for elderly lady to keep staying with her family members and not to keep living alone in white mountain apache tribe because of gas smells. The apache tribe housing authority hasn't been monitoring how much gas smells in the housing authority houses for the elderly and the...
  2. Anonymous

    Prayer request for White Mountain Apache tribe elderly's to be warm when it's very cold

    Prayer request for White Mountain Apache tribe elderly's to be warm when it's very cold
  3. Anonymous

    Pray for white mountain Apache tribal members

    Please pray for the white mountain Apache tribal members. They are being forced to get the covid vaccine by their tribal chairwoman gwendena in order to get aid for each tribal member. The chair woman said all tribal members have to get the vaccine to get aid from the tribe. And the tribe is...
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