weird sensations

  1. natasha2

    Excessive Period menstr cycle, prosperity blessing success, protection healing

    Please pray that everything will be all right with my period and menstrual cycle. No excessive period or blockages or irregularity of any kind. Lord heal me and give me harmony and peace in my whole body amen. No nervosity tension digestive issues weird sensations in my body including pain or...
  2. natasha2

    Sinuses, dental flesh, stomach inflammation, swellings, jams

    No inflamed sinuses. Opened sinuses. No swelling in my mouth or dental flesh. No pain in my mouth, throat or cheeks/face. No weird sensations on my cheeks Feeling like jams on my cheeks. Everything healthy and open up. No jams,swellings or inflammations. SINUSES, TEETH/DENTAL FLESH, MOUTH...
  3. natasha2

    Praise report and prayer request

    First of all i want to say big THANK YOU to all prayer warriours who pray for me for abscess/swelling in my dental flesh/jaw. It is a miracle, the swelling is smaller and there is practically no pain but only weird sensations common to inflammations in the throat and ear. Pain a bit as i...
  4. natasha2

    Vision, stomach, dental flesh.

    Clear, not blury vision. Excellent eyesight. No diarrhea. Normal stomach acid. No weird sensations or unease, or pain, in my teeth, dental flesh, jaw, connected glands around it. Health. Strength. No pain or inflammation anywhere in my body.
  5. natasha2

    Health (stomach, teeth, sinuses)

    Healthy and opened sinuses. Good circulation everywhere. Stomach healed. No diarrhea. NOrmal good diggestion. Normal stomach acid. No weird sensations. No pain in the jaw, teeth, dental flesh and near areas. Freshness in all those areas. Glands healthy. Pure skin, no itchiness. Toxins, viruses...
  6. natasha2

    Diggestion, menstr. cycle

    No weird sensations in my stomach and abdomen. Healed stomach. No gastritis. No nausea or diggestive issues. Normal 28-30 days menstrual cycle. Period not coming to soon. 4-6 days length of period (not more). Moderate, not excessive period. Easy healthy menopause transition. I am 50.
  7. natasha2

    Pray for my phisical relief

    Weird sensations in my body, like tension, circulation not good, like some places hurt me, no specifique places (muscles all over the body, even my head and sinuses are not good). Please pray for relief and for good sweet sleep. I suppose its tension from gastritis.
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