I've had this happen to me. After prayer for a troublesome situation, I at first feel good because I brought it before God. But almost immediately after the prayer, a "reminder comes that the problem is still there, making it look like I wasted my time praying if it had no effect. Worse yet...
The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away.
—Psalm 1:4 (KJV)
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
We have spent time in Psalm 1 for the last several days. We looked at those whose delight is in the LORD. Today, we focus on the end of those who resist the will and way...
GOD Draw Close To Me.
GOD i'm just sitting in the park pondering over my life. Pondering about what once was and what's happening now. GOD if i could only turn back time and walked away from everyone i ever helped, then i wouldn't be in so much pain.
GOD whose going to stop the pain?
GOD whose...