vital signs

  1. Tochsen

    EMERGENCY: My mum (who's account this is) is in hospital please pray for her survival and recovery

    please pray for her vital signs to stabilise - please pray for her healing, for a miracle in her body
  2. Ethel

    Please pray for the healing of my ...

    Please pray for the healing of my body. Do mot know the cause but I suddenly seemed to have trouble breathing and felt as if I was going to faint any minute. Vital signs were normal and test for the virus was negative. This is a very fearful feeling and comes off and on. Ada
  3. Athetaminos

    Please continue to pray for my father. ...

    Please continue to pray for my father. He’s been in the hospital over two weeks now. On Thursday we were told he only had hours to live. God has miraculously kept him with us. His vital signs have been stable. We need prayer that they continue to stay stable. And we need prayer that he begins to...
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