virus symptoms

  1. natasha2

    Heavy pain muscles, sweet sleep, wisdom, life partner

    No heavy pain in my muscles - leggs, hipps. Gastritis or virus symptoms.No acid reflux/heartburn, diarrhea or any diggestive issues. Good sweet sleep now. Wise and righteous decisions. Prosperity and blessings. LIFE PARTNER for me who will bring LOVE, JOY, PROSPERITY into my life. Amen
  2. natasha2

    Healing-virus, joy/optimism, high efficiency, enjoying my day

    Healing from virus symptoms. Occasional pain/unease in bones/muscles, itchiness in the throat/larynx, pharynx, sneezing, waternose, slime caughing light fever. Joy, good mood, optimism, positivity. High Efficiency in all that i do. Home obligations.Done everything i have planed - done today...
  3. natasha2

    Healing-virus, good mood, dream job, no irritations in and around the train

    Total healing - no virus symptoms. I am much better now but pray for total healing. Strength, health, no sneezing, water from the nose, talking through nose or difficult, itchiness in the throat etc. EXTRA STRONG RIGHT IMMUNITY amen. Good mood health joy optimism. Efficient moving towards my...
  4. natasha2

    No allergy or virus simptoms

    No allergy or virus simptoms like tickling or slime out of breathing system.
  5. natasha2

    Normal body temperature

    Normal body temperature. No fever. No stomach flue or any other virus symptoms. Stop the menstrual bleeding which is to long and excessive.
  6. Larukthag

    Healing upon my my friend who had ...

    Healing upon my my friend who had the virus symptoms
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