vav zayin khet tet yud kaf

  1. Anonymous

    This is so severe all I can ...

    This is so severe all I can do is start with ת and end with ת. Blood of the new covenant, directly from Mary's hymen's blood on Jesus head when he was born. When God was born into man. This began the blood of the new covenant and Jesus ended the Virginity of Mary on December 25. Flowing waters...
  2. Anonymous

    Alef (א)Bet (ב)Gimel (ג)Dalet (ד)Heh (ה) Vav ...

    Alef (א)Bet (ב)Gimel (ג)Dalet (ד)Heh (ה) Vav (ו)Zayin (ז)Khet (ח)Tet (ת)Yud (י)Kaf (ק) Lamed (ל)Mem (מ)Nun (נ)Samekh (ס)Ayin (ע)Peh (פ)Tzadi(k) (צ)Qof (ק)Resh (ר)Shin (ש)Tav (ת I ask your permission courts of divinity to present a case in the sight of the Lord through the eyes of The Holy...
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