Good Afternoon Lord, I was told to read the 4th chapter of Philippians and focus on verses 6-9. In the name of Jesus Christ I ask for you to help my unbelief. Y faith is all over the place while going through various trials and tribulations which we all face in life. At this moment I am...
Dear Lord, I come before you now with a very heavy heart. I can relate to Job (painful physical sickness, loss, naysayers, etc). Joseph (false accusations), David fleeing from Saul, Daniel in the Lion’s Den and Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace because they WOULD NOT bow down...
Now more then ever i ask to be made soo strong physically & emotionally & financially & Especially Soo Very Strong Spiritually Father In Jesus's Name
That i may finish the race set before me & continue to do what You Alone had called me to do when i was just a very young teen-age girl & soo all...
country: united states
glory honor praise
holy name
holy trinity
mighty woman warrior
perfect will
planet earth
spiritual journey
young teenage girl
Pray with me, my life is heading towards disaster. At 29 no job no income no achievement despite various trials in business and schooling not a certificate. God please help me, send people to help m we. May I be fortunate in life
His Peace
"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful."
Colossians 3:15 NIV
Peace is not just about the absence of trouble, war or stress. It's about a gracious state of harmony, wholeness, and spiritual prosperity. In...
colossians 3 15 niv peace
country: canada
gracious state
great persecution
harmony wholeness
most adverse situations
one body
spiritual prosperity
trouble war