Please pray for me to pass tomorrow university exam of mental health nursing 1 and 2, please for me that I will choose right options in 12 MCQ, can able to right valid points in 2 essay and 5 short notes and 4 difference between questions 🥺🙏🏻
since an event last year [although it has been building overtime], I struggle to feel God's love and only ever feel afriad just skimming the Bible even makes me feel anxious. I want to be able to worship and love God but I feel like I can never meet his standards i am confused by the multitude...
since an event last year [although it has been building overtime] I struggle to feel God's love and only ever feel afriad just skimming the Bible even makes me feel anxious. I want to be able to worship and love God but I feel like I can never meet his standards i am confused by the multitude of...
Ca Institute has not postponed the exams due to elections so students are taking initiative to file a petition in Supremecourt i request you to pray that the petition should be filed today by the lawyer. The petition filed should have no inappropriate statement and should cover all the valid...
Ca institute has not postponed the exams we have file PIL in court coming for hearing now kindly pray that judge should give a positive judgement today itself to postpone the entire exams after elections and icai should not go for appeal and accept the postponement our lawyers should have valid...