Someone made a valid point that I say I keep asking for forgiveness from God, but I'm not receiving it and I do think I am having trouble receiving by faith and maybe playing a victim and/or thinking my sins are too great to be forgiven. Maybe I am also having trouble surrendering my will. I...
People are not logical anymore.They either give you headaches, then when you fight back they can't take it and have a "meltdown", and make YOU the" bad guy" for defending yourself, OR another way, you make a valid point,and because they're "geared" to think a certain way, if you make that point...
Wisdom with understanding something.How many times have I seen this, that someone makes a valid point, and they're in the very slim minority, someone else makes a rigid, non commonsense point, the one making the bad point everyone "lauds," but the other gets shunned. OR, also, one who has it in...