It Works, meaning it PREVENTS Covid: In My Opinion, based on current events:
1. Covid is not going anywhere.
2. The pandemic continues and is worldwide.
3. We now have to worry about our children getting hepatitus which is linked to Covid as cases are
increasing worldwide. We didn't...
bigger government moves
country: unknown
covid forrest fire
current events
fda usa gov
longer lasting protection
previous virus mutations
usa citizens
usa domestic travelers
Lord, Thank you for your grace and love. Thank you for the wonderful admin of this site, for the community of people who pray for each other and build friendships and a community in a time where earthy problems make that more and more rare to obtain. Thank you for the gift of my blessed Aunt...
To show you what baloney people these obsessed covid people arer, they're stilll forcing everyone to wear masks, and the signs say, "regardless of vaccination status." The dictatorship never ends. First covid rules, then 666. Wait and see.