
  1. Brother in Christ (JC)

    For all of our terminally ill members

    John 3:16bible%3AJohn3.16%7Cres=LLS%3AESV'] Hear my cry Father. I lift up all of our members facing a terminally ill condition. I pray for their comfort, their peace and ask that You forgive them all. Saturate them with Your Love. I know that if it's in Your will, You can fully restore them...
  2. Ellie7

    strange symptoms

    Please , pray for me, strange symptoms that I have: It feels like an force is coming against me ; my body also feels like it is lifted up and it moves from side to side. =3&hash=c9dccc06268c0b905eaa632e6a5d2e60']Attach filesPreview Post as Anonymous Options Watch this thread… and receive...
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