Godly sleep and healing rest and wake soon to get these urgent offices to communicate back my phones losing storage fast and can’t continue to pay on this and attn gives a little more detail on what is going on with this Urgent case lord please fight this for your Godly You are my witness and...
Pray for my 23 yr old daughter Marie, missionary kid, in US in grave danger of self destruction...complete restoration of relationship with her dad and God...urgent case!
My Lord please heal everything this Pnd Allergies, Uri Respiratory issues and all these injustices in our lives, please don’t let these people flake out on me Lord bring only Your Godly to help in all this and help to finish all this repairs soon and with electronics so I can make copies for my...
Praise You Jesus for connecting me to a DRA advocate, left message, hopefully they'll call back this week due to the holiday and help with this Urgent case. You're our advocate my Lord fight for us!
Prayers they take this Urgent case and we be Victorious in it and with this other one defeat your enenmies my Lord also that your truths be revealed Praise Yahshua miracle Blessings my Lord and for all. Protect us All Amen