For him to make an outstanding performance at job. For his well being Stay calm and composed Appreciate his parents efforts in his upbringing Be smart and clever with colleges and not to believe tom dick and harry
I would really appreciate it if one of my love interests felt the same way about me. However, I’m finding it challenging to connect with Asian men in this city who have crushes on me or show interest, even though I’m Asian myself. Ideally, I’m looking for someone from a Western background who is...
Dear lord jesus I pray for my health, need your help to keep it well, also no dental problems, protection from my enemies, my child's upbringing to his future, dad's health issues. Decent livelihood. In jesus name. Amen
My son has moved far from his upbringing. We recently learned that he has taken to drugs and drinking, cross dressing and experimenting with bisexuality. I ask for prayers that God can deliver him from these issues and back to the arms of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you.
My son has moved far from his upbringing. We recently learned that he has taken to drugs and drinking, cross dressing and experimenting with bisexuality. I ask for prayers that God can deliver him from these issues and back to the arms of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you.