untold financial problems

  1. Bimnac

    Dear brother sister in Christ Jesus please ...

    Dear brother sister in Christ Jesus please pray for me I am still facing untold financial problems
  2. Bimnac

    Please kindly pray for me because I ...

    Please kindly pray for me because I am still facing such unbearable pressure and untold financial problems where there is no option to get money to pay back
  3. Bimnac

    I am still facing untold financial problems ...

    I am still facing untold financial problems due unable to pay for court clearance certificate of India RBI
  4. Bimnac

    Good morning dear in Christ, please kindly ...

    Good morning dear in Christ, please kindly help me and pray for me once again because I am still facing untold financial problems what shall I do now I am still facing frustrated and disappointed I have been no one to helping me I couldn't imagine it's feel like emtiness and tears and trouble my...
  5. Bimnac

    Good morning dear sir madam, may God ...

    Good morning dear sir madam, may God dwelling with you and to your family amen, please kindly extending your prayer support again still facing untold financial problems with me
  6. Bimnac

    Good afternoon dear brother sister in Christ ...

    Good afternoon dear brother sister in Christ once again please kindly pray for immediate assistance of financial because I am still facing untold financial problems due to unable to pay being a poor and needy conditions
  7. Bimnac

    Dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, ...

    Dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, I am still facing untold financial problems please pray for over come and immediate solve this matter unbearable pressure due to unable to pay the balance which they demanded for court clearance certificate of India RBI.
  8. Bimnac

    Please kindly help me and pray for ...

    Please kindly help me and pray for me I have been facing untold financial problems due to unable to pay for court clearance certificate of India RBI
  9. Bimnac

    Please kindly help me and pray for ...

    Please kindly help me and pray for me for I am going to find money to solve my financial problems please pray for let me find solutions about my burden,I couldn't bear anymore such huge amount of charge to pay for them, but as per their terms and rules this is unavoidable circumstances I am...
  10. Bimnac

    Dear. in Christ, please kindly help your ...

    Dear. in Christ, please kindly help your prayer support once again I have been facing untold financial problems due to unable to pay back my dept what shall I do now I feel frustrated and trouble my heart please kindly extending your valuable words of prayer in the name of Jesus Christ the...
  11. Bimnac

    Good morning dear sir, madam and brothers, ...

    Good morning dear sir, madam and brothers, in Christ Jesus.thank you for your helping hand and prayers support towards me, once again I beg you to kind enough for your valuable prayer support is much appreciated and needed because now I am still facing untold financial problems due to unable to...
  12. Bimnac

    Pray for kind favourable financial help to get Indian court clearance certificate

    Now I have been facing untold financial problems due to unable to pay 186,998 for Indian court clearance certificate of regarding relief fund award which was transferred by crown agent bank WTO to transfer to my designated bank account, swaihiam panmei Rani colony part 2 79 gp Lakhinager po...
  13. Bimnac

    Please kindly help me and pray for ...

    Please kindly help me and pray for me because I have been facing untold financial problems due unable to pay back or refund my money loans to my friend and neighbors why do I stand on this circumstances I felt cry where there is no option to pay back.
  14. Bimnac

    Dear prayer support warriors please kindly help ...

    Dear prayer support warriors please kindly help me and pray for me because I have been facing untold financial problems
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