unpleasant situation

  1. Anonymous

    To provide a redacted version, I need the specific content of the prayer request title. Please provide the title you would like redacted.

    Lord Jesus ease all the stress and tensions my little one is having ...he is extremely worried for the unpleasant situation in life ...right now ...please Lord Jesus comfort his little heart and mind ...please
  2. natasha2

    To excessive period, to high outside temp, air condition not working properly

    1) please - no very excessive period, very unpleasant situation 2) lower the outside temperature, Lord, it is making things worse 3) my air condition is not working properly or I just have pushed the wrong buttons, please help me to adjust it somehow so that the power/air will blow more...
  3. natasha2

    No excessive period, good sleep, dental ###

    No very excessive period please. No double period one after another., (which is now). Everything around my period and hormones - normal healthy regular harmonious, especially hormone estrogen. Miracle that the body will compensate lost blood, iron and everything it needs. Lord lead me what...
  4. natasha2

    Please no very excessive period/menstr cycle

    Please no.### period. Very.### occasionally. Very unpleasant situation. Thank you for your prayers. Everything around my period and menstrual cycle normal. Everything around my digestion normal. No sweating. No digestive issues. Relaxed peaceful body and mind. Everything around my hormones...
  5. natasha2

    To excessive period

    Please no to excessive period. Very unpleasant situation. Thank you Lord. Please moderate period and menstr cycle normal.
  6. Katartora


    Kindly can you please keep me in your prayers. I am desperate need of finding employment. My debts are falling because of this unpleasant situation. My family does not understand what I am currently going through.. They are not being supportive at all.
  7. natasha2

    URGENT no.lateness of train, going to work

    No.lateness of train please. To arrive exactly on time for work. (Teacher) 7.20 am. Get my principle out of my way and sight. No controlling of workers if they are late. Lord make her busy with something elsem No reproaches no umpleasant situation. No.negative energies or evil eye from her or...
  8. natasha2

    Bloating, teeth, torture of my principle, procrastination, high efficiency -home+work

    No stomach bloating. Normal breathing. Normal stomach acid. Health of my dental flesh, mouth flesh and teeth. No inflammation, swellings in dental flesh. No wounds on mouth flesh (gastritis, sharp teeth). Please pray that tomorrow i will arrive earlier on work. No.stress. No.lateness of train...
  9. Anonymous

    I am currently overwhelmed with financial responsibility ...

    I am currently overwhelmed with financial responsibility and burdens. I am confused and psychological unstable. However, I am so sure God can do all things. This is why I am in need of prayers for speedy financial Intervention. Please pray for me that I am be more than conquerors in the face of...
  10. natasha2

    No noise, good sleep, normal breathing/blood pressure...

    No noise outside on the street, in the park.People shouting. No noise in appartements in my building Good sweet sleep. Enough of sleep. Waking up on time. Getting on time for work. No stress. No.unpleasant situation. Also normal breathing. No bloating Normal blood pressure Normal heart beat. I...
  11. Essa1


    Thank You God for fighting this battle for me. Thank You for helping me prepare and send my response together with the evidence. Thank You for letting me know that You do not want me asking my accuser to tell me what they said I had supposedly accused them of. I have never accused this person...
  12. Anapla

    Daughter’s marriage and concerns

    Our daughter has come from India to be here with mother during this time of preparation for surgery. Her marriage is on 28 Jan with a boy from a different faith/community. Our daughter is born again. We love our daughter much. The marriage is a deep concern. My wife and myself want go for the...
  13. Anonymous

    Dear God, I ask for for your ...

    Dear God, I ask for for your mercies to speak over my life and destiny, and I decree a divine reversal of this unpleasant situation that I am in. I receive healing, peace and speedy answers to my prayers in the name of Jesus.
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