Lord Jesus help me, my parents don't want to go to the senior home and I am really exhausted and desperate to the maximum because they are not able to walk outside of home without help and they are starting to forget and mix information. Sometimes I must repeat things 5 times in 10 min to my...
No digestive issues.
No acid.
No pain in my bones because of it.
No feeling of irritation in my throat and stomach. Coughing and similar.
No nausea.
No diarrhea.
No anxiety.
No depression.
Unfulfilled needs and desires and unresolved issues with my parents and...
No anxiety, fear about the future and my unfullfilled needs/desires.
Faith that moves mountains.
Spirit filled totaly.
Power of the Holy spirit.
Removed burdens, destroyed yokes in my life, amen.
2022, my year of breakthrough, amen.
Please pray that i will digg deep into the wells of Jesus living water.
I need to be deeply rooted and grounded in Jesus word.
I need to draw out of His well for everything i need, i desire or everything that He wants me to do, be and have in Jesus mighty name.
I have lots of unfullfilled...
My period just finished and 2 days after it looks like it started again. Please pray that this abnormality will be healed and removed. And any anxiety about my health in the name of Jesus. Lord, remove and cause, especially if negative feelings are the cause and feeling of no way out of my...