unease irritation

  1. natasha2

    Menstrual cycle regulation, no period again

    Please pray that any PMS symptoms, and nervosity/tension (hormons), will disappear. So that I can sleep. I cannot sleep properly for 3-4 days. It seems like I will have again a period. Please pray that this will not happen, because I just got rid of it. It was too long and too excessive...
  2. natasha2

    No tooth/face swelling

    No swelling, no abscess, no.tooth unease/irritation, sometimes paim. No little swelling a part of my face
  3. natasha2

    Sinuses, tooth abscess, thyroid gland, stomach

    Opened sinuses. No tooth cysts/abscesses. Everything alright with thyroid gland and stomach. No unease, irritation or pain anywhere.
  4. natasha2

    Feeling fever; dental flesh; stomach acid

    Feeling of fever. No swelling in my dental flesh/jaw/face, no tooth cyst or abscess. No unease, irritation. Normal diggestion, normal stomach acid.
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