Lord I ask you please please remove absolutely all every pain infection plaque bad bacteria all every pain drk my teeth gums permanently right now all gum dieaess from my gums permanently now never return please fill in all every missing teeth now without any delay in jesus christ name please...
Lord your words say ask and I will receive. I ask you, Lord, please please remove permanently absolutely all every lumbs bumbs caused bits all every lumby bumby bits all every dark circles hollows every lines wrinkles under my left eye now by your power make them all completely permanently...
country: unknown
dry skin dull skin
face neck body
face skin neck
lumby bumby bits
other girls women
stomach hips body
strong very deep divine connectionunbreakablelovebondconnectioncloseness
youthful brand new ageless wrinkles
Lord your words say ask and I will receive I ask you please please remove absolutely all every lumbs bumbs raised bits lumby bumby bits dark circles hollows lines under my left eye right eye from the absolute roots now please lord without any delay by your power make all of them completely...