true unbiased news accurate reporting good journalism

  1. Intercessor

    Bless & Strengthen Good Reporters, Bad Ones be Convicted, Repent and Report Honestly and Fairly

    We request True, Unbiased News, accurate reporting & good journalism across the nation & world—We ask You would prohibit false witness, hearsay & outright lies. We pray for repentance & reformation in news agencies, may reporters be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Tim 2:4-5)...
  2. Intercessor

    Bless & Strengthen Good Reporters, Let Evil Ones be Convicted, Repent, Believe in Christ and Report Honestly and Become Mouthpieces of Truth

    We request True, unbiased News, accurate reporting & good journalism across the nation & world — We ask You would prohibit false witness, hearsay & outright lies. We pray for repentance & reformation in news agencies, may reporters be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Tim 2:4-5)...
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