true place

  1. Gallann

    Please Pray for Me.

    Please Pray this in Jesus' name. Almighty God, I beseech Thee again, please, please heal me. Please Lord, I so, so desperately want to remain here in this world with my family. Although I am not my own, and have been bought for a price, I still have much to do here, all Glorifying Thy Holy name...
  2. _Maegan

    I am sending out a prayer because ...

    I am sending out a prayer because as hard as I work and try, I can't help but hear that everlasting echo of my grandmother.. pray. I've sat down to work all day in hopes that I can some how save our family business and livelihood. I must have written over twenty emails in personalized form being...
  3. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Very Urgent Request! & just like Mary & Joseph lead me to the next place that You Alone Have prepared for me to Call A Home Sweet Home in Jesus's name

    Father God My Abba Daddy i ask this in prayer in Jesus's name as i get ready to view this possible Apt. Rental please do not allow me to make a mistake here regarding it YOU CHOOSE BLESSED TRINITY WHERE IS THE RIGHT PLACE FOR ME TO LIVE YOU DECIDE FOR ME ONLY OPEN THIS DOOR IF IT IS OF YOU...
  4. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    IS THIS MY HOUSING MIRACLE ABBA--DADDY--GOD IN JESUS'S NAME.....please i need You to confirm this with no doubts and everything has to fall into place

    A Compassionate Landlord Reached Out To Me His name is Joseph and he is also a believer... i have been praying for God to send me a Joseph for many many years now... Someone who would stay by my side like Joseph did for Mary the mother of our Lord Jesus Rather then go into any specifics right...
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