my ex left me in July, we were best friends before we dated close to a year and half. We dated for 3 years. When we first met at work it was an instant connection it was like we already knew each other . Not a day has went by where she was not on my mind, even in our friendship stage. For some...
bad advice
best friend
country: united states
false information
forever bond
friendship stage
gods blessings
instant connection
loving friendship
next step
self healing
social media post
pelas epra yth Lor dheal mye of type diabetes periphera vision to be restored no damage due ot highblos suagr healed teeth feformed feet and helaign for my grandma dleivr form type one diabetes. Lor dpelase provid eme a lovign hsuband who is a joy to be wiht soemoen who i love can trust and vice...
country: hungary
dads heart valve
epra yth lor dheal mye
high blood sugar
htign dleive urs
mucha sme pwant soemoen
one diabetes lor dpelase
tim messy cause
type diabetes peripheral vision