true confirmation

  1. Loreuvale

    Dear jesus

    I would like true confirmation about a Christian man in my life who I believe I will be his wife one day. Jesus I pray that you show me your truth in this in a big obvious way for both of us. Face to face if that is your will. I am grateful for my continued healing and grace. Thank you so much...
  2. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Serious Confirmation Definitely Needed For An Unspoken Prayer Request...( thank-you for your serious prayer for me ) and i need an answer by today...

    The Lord knows what this is about and by today i need a true confirmation regarding this whole matter so that i now know how to proceed forward or to walk away... and that i am not being deceived or mis-led. May the whole truth be revealed today. Father in Jesus's name hear my prayer...thank-you...
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