My prayer is that the true children of YAHUAH wake up and come into the realization that we are the chosen people of The Most High, and that we submit ourselves to Him full and whole heartily.
Father Daniel, who runs a Centre of Hope in Iraq, will be speaking tonight at our annual gathering, Standing Strong. Pray that Yah will use his words to challenge, inspire and equip Christians in the UK and Ireland - and that they will be encouraged to keep praying for our persecuted church...
The satanic inspired financial powers are going even harder to crash the market so they can bring in their new digital money system and eventually the Mark of the Beast - like Yahshua warned us through John in the book of Revelation. Many big financial institutions are making moves, and many...
country: united kingdom
false prophet
food prices
lukewarm christians
many big financial institutions
many economic pundits
new digital money system
non perishable food
satanic inspired financial powers
Good day brothers and sisters;
Our Lord has set us free by demonstrating His Love for us. Thank You Jesus.
Our Heavenly Father, God of mercy, I thank You for this prayer site and for another day to share Your Gospel. I pray for all the members on this forum, along with their families and loved...
This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles.
—Psalm 34:6 (KJV)
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
So few hear the cry of the poor or respond to the plight of the disadvantaged. If we are going to be true children of our Father, his values must become our own...
country: reserved
delivery system
greatest gift
holy bible new international version
holy father
international bible society
lost sheep
poor man
zondervan publishing house