
  1. Befinor

    Trucker loss job part time bowel problems

    Am retired trucker who had part time job. Loss it because of bowel problem. This job gave me high self esteem & motivation. It's been hard to overcome
  2. Anonymous

    People of God please pray for me, ...

    People of God please pray for me, I'm trucker at hauloads Africa in zambia my mother dreamed that management at work place is planning to suck me and that I should be careful,that they have started being against me please help me in prayers for safe working at hauloads Africa in Jesus mighty...
  3. Ghutas

    I'm a trucker so there for I'm ...

    I'm a trucker so there for I'm requesting to pray against the spirit of premature death through accident because my was a trucker and died due to accident, so please man of God pray for me and my family amen
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