Here's the problem.The Rapture, the New Heaven and Earth are all great promises."Lookung for and hastening unto the day"Its something to LOOK FORWARD TO,but the thing is, it helps me in the future, but all the trials and troublesome situations happening NOW aren't helped by something maybe...
There was, and still are, a lot of troublesome situations happening that shake my sense of security and my nerves are on end over them. Also, they happen at the worst times, and one after the other.
I have been calling prayer lines about different problems and troublesome situuations and it's been working,but there's still a few areas where help is needed. For those requests...
When talking to people, sure, I see that many have had similar problems to mine in certain categories--but the difference,I also notice the problems they face are one at a time--me, I've been getting troublesome situations like several in different categories AT THE SAME TIME.Not fun...