Luke 24:34-43 New International Version (NIV) He said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds? Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.” When he had said this, he showed them his hands...
Father, In the name of Jesus, I intercede on behalf of all those in need of prayer. Father I ask that you pour out your spirit on every person that needs and desires prayer at this present time. Lord I ask that you provide us all with the strength that is needed as we surrender it all to you...
"I revoke and condemn every negative word that I have spoken over myself or over others touching on my future or their future. I repent from words I have spoken audibly and those I have spoken silently. I ask that You release me and all those affected by those words" "I stand against and cancel...
Will you pray for a peaceful night and God’s touch. My wife has MS and we are having a rough night. Pray that God would bring down the swelling throughout her body and ease our troubled minds.
Tonight, no matter what you are going through, remember Jesus is shining all over you and wants you to follow Him all the way to heaven. Hear His voice through this song.
Heavenly sunlight, heavenly sunlight.
Flooding my soul with glory divine.
Hallelujah I am rejoicing.
Singing His praises...
Father ,we thank you for bringing us to another week. I pray that you will continue to walk with us though we do not always deserve your goodness. I prayer now for healing of all afflicted with every sickness in the name of Jesus. I pray for healing for the sick and troubled minds in your world...