
  1. Breotarmen


    Dear Almighty GOD Please save me from the love of the flesh and Cleanse me from my sins Dear GOD please forgive me for trespassing and help me overcome all my struggles Dear GOD I have just sinned please forgive me Dear GOD THANK YOU FOR AMAZING DAYS AND THE BEST IS YET TO COME PRAISE BE TO GOD
  2. Navesse

    Thank our Lord

    Dear Father, Thank you in the name of Jesus to guide all those in darkness to brighter days. I see first hand that You work in your mysterious ways. Forgive me for trespassing in the past. Amen.
  3. Clerall

    God’s Power

    Asking for prayers. Family and I have been dealing with a bitter, malicious former female friend w/severe mental health and addiction issues. Harassment, theft, hacking, and trespassing have been issues for a while. Local help is not a resource. She has caused immense damage to mine and my...
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