Hello, I'm ### weeks pregnant, and I've just had my blood test. It showed an indication of thalassemia, which could potentially harm the baby. This trait can come from either one of us. Please keep us in your prayers, hoping that everything will be alright. Pray for healing and well-being for my...
One thing(probably a trait of the fallen nature)I've dealtwith is ingratitude.Ive experienced certain people who no matter what you do for them with good intentions or even get them something nicecof your own accord ,they instead of appreciating it they complain to a like spirit that you don't...
Dear people of God, please help to pray against the trait of kidnapping in my school. We are under the protection of God Almighty. NO EVIL shall befall us at all. In Jesus name. Amen.
I notice from my own dealings with such types, that it seems to be a trait of the fallen nature, that once they get a little friendly with you, they see it as an opportunity to "use you" for their own selfish reasons,not caring if they inconvenience you, as long as it benefits THEM.I've had this...