total remission

  1. Miranda T


    Pray that God will resolve the wall cracking problems at the rental apartment where I am living. I have WhatsApp-ed the photo to my landlady but without any reply. Pray that God will put the autoimmune problem and joint inflammation in my body into total remission, He will provide me with a job...
  2. Miranda T

    Financial provision and healing of bone and eyes

    Pray for financial provision to pay for rent in Sept and also food. Pray for provision of a job I can sit on flat hard chair and U shape toilet without pain of lower back and sacroiliac joints. Pray for total remission of autoimmune disorder of ankylosing spondylitis, healing from bone marrow...
  3. Miranda T

    Pray for healing of left eye and pelvis

    Pray for healing and protection of my left eye no complete PVD and retina tear/detachment. Pray for healing from sudden inflammatory flare up, pray for total remission of self attack from my own T cells, remission of autoimmune disorder ankylosing spondylitis, pray that a bone marrow edema be...
  4. Miranda T

    Healing of autoimmune disease n cervical spine

    Pray for healing of autoimmune disease Ankylosing spondylitis, pray for total remission of all inflammation in my body, no more self damage of spinal vertebrae, no more bone marrow edema, all bones n disc are completely healed and be healthy. Clicking sound and soreness at my cervical spine and...
  5. Miranda T

    Pelvis and lower back alignment

    Pray that all inflammation will be put into total remission, all pain gone in Jesus' name. All pelvis, SI joint, hip joint, pubic bone are healed n aligned all bone marrow edema is healed in Jesus' name. Autoimmune will be able to recognise own cells n bacteria correctly not attacking myself. In...
  6. Miranda T

    Healing - Joint disease

    Pray for healing from autoimmune disorder and bone marrow edema of my right sacroiliac joint at pelvis are healed and the bone return to normal, any cycts at my spinal area disappear. Total remission of inflammation of spine and pelvis and I can return mobility without pain and can walk and sit...
  7. Miranda T

    Healing of pain of sacroilliac joint

    Pray for total remission of inflammation and damages of my joints and body parts due to the HLAB27 genes which causes autoimmune disorder. Pray that my sacroillac joints, sacrum, lower back and from neck to hip joints are back to correct alignment. Remission of joints inflammation and pains...
  8. Miranda T

    Healing and Job Provision

    Pray that God will have mercy on me and heal me from ankylosing spondylitis (auto immune disease) due to the B27 cell in the white blood cell. Pray that by Jesus' stripe, the autoimmune attacks on my body, bones, spine, mucles and liagments and also my eyes now in complete and total remission in...
  9. Miranda T

    Pray for healing - fever, vomit, diarrhea, autoimmune

    Pray for healing from sensitive or leaky gut, I eat beef n drink bone broth last night but vomitted and got diarrhea during mid night, fever today, pray for healing from these and healing of my stomach, guts and total remission of all joints inflammation. Speedy recovery hope can get a low...
  10. Miranda T

    Pray for healing of joints inflammation and get a job

    Pray that God will have mercy and pour out his grace on me that I will be healed from Ankylosing spondylitis, all the inflammation at my SI joints, spine and all other joints will be in total remission. I can resume to work. God will grant me a suitable job which I can sit on the chair and...
  11. Miranda T

    Healing of joints, autoimmune and right elbow

    Pray that God will alter my Gene and remove HLAB27, put all inflammation in my body into total remission. Pray my right elbow pain and numbness to fingers be healed in Jesus' name. Amen!
  12. Miranda T

    Healing - Right Chest Pain and right sacroilliac joint inflammation

    Pray for healing of right chest/breast pain. Ultrasound shows no problem but cannot explain the buring pain, especially when get up from the bed and turning my body. Pray that God will have mercy on me with supernatural healng that the chest pain will be completely gone and never come back! Pray...
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