Heavenly Father, I pray that I passed and next to be a topnotcher in the Licensure examination for teachers September LET 2024. I want to see my name in the list of passers (###).
As you answered my prayer, I will bring back the blessings that you gave me into others. Use me as an instrument...
To pay my debt and save money To be topnotcher and pass as a Guidance Counselor in the year 2022 To be have best quality and lowest price second hand sport car and to be better driver
Lord help to pay my debts and have savings
To be good driver while practicing on the road
To be have good quality second sport car lowest price canvass by my uncle joe
To be pass and topnotcher of Guidance Counselor
Fedelyn Sport car someday and topnotcher in Guidance & Counseling on August 18 & 19, 2021 Savings and paying debt, to be win By Vickie rushton miss philippines international and miss international 2021 and help the beggar boy to protect provide him food, money, shelter, and water. Amen
august 18 19 2021 savings
beggar boy
country: philippines
fedelyn sport car
food money shelter
guidance counseling
vickie rushton
water amen
By fedelyn
Lord give knowledge and wisdom and perform well Vicki Rushton to be win Bb. Pilipinas International 2020-2021 and journey to be win Miss International 2020-2021 on October 2021 in Japan.
To be pass and topnotcher in Licensure exam in Guidance Counselor on August 18- 19, 2021.
Help the...
bb pilipinas international
beggar boy
country: philippines
guidance counselor
licensure exam
miss international
sm mall
vicki rushton
Please help to have loan today process and approve.
Bless Roxie Baeyens to be win Miss Earth 2020
Bless a beggar boy at kcc mall or anywhere he is to provide foods, shelter, money, and protection.
Bless me to have savings and transfer in a good school and to be pass and topnotcher in Guidance...
beggar boy
country: philippines
foods shelter money
good school
guidance counseling
kcc mall
miss earth
roxie baeyens
Help Roxie Baeyens to becwin Miss Earth 2020 on November 29, 2020
To be teacher 3 on 2021
To be pass a topnotcher in Guidance &Counseling 2021
To help and protect the beggar boy at kcc mall