Pray that God will give me wisdom to write CV and provide me with a suitable job in these two months. Pray that the interviewers will treasure my skills and experiences and will not look at my career gaps and ask too many questions about these gaps. God will also protect my privacy during these...
Pray that God will bless me selling out all remaining stocks of clothes and home items which have been accumulating more than half year. Pray that all these will be trade out nearby my home or via courier. Then, I can move house or relocate. Pray that God will bless me with a job which I can...
ankylosing spondylitis
complete remission
country: hong kong
flat hard chair
home items
last job
pelvis misalignment n
remaining stocks
Pray that God will give patience and kindness to Dr Wu, I am heading to his clinic, pray that he will be able to define the issue at my body and find out the cause why my pelvis in so much pain and misaligned because of sitting toilet bowl. Pray that Dr will do necessary adjustment and fix this...