time trust

  1. Anonymous

    Stood for truth. Lost my job 😞

    I stood for the truth not arrogantly but the Holy Spirit Prompted me to stand for what is right. People want to do evil with impunity. I stood up because the behavior of so called superiors had a negative impact on my job performance and hindered my ability to concentrate on my work assignments...
  2. ronnieronnieronnie


    Father God, I seek for Your divine providence to take control of my life. I thank You for the daily sales o God. You always provide for me each day. I trust in You O God. I am sorry for all my sins. I pray not to permit me to succumb into temptations. Take charge of my life o God. I surrender...
  3. ronnieronnieronnie


    Father God, I seek for Your divine providence to take control of my life. I thank You for the daily sales o God. You always provide for me each day. I trust in You O God. I am sorry for all my sins. I pray not to permit me to succumb into temptations. Take charge of my life o God. I surrender...
  4. ronnieronnieronnie


    Lord, I pray to continue guiding and protecting your people. I pray for longevity, vitality, health , wellness and abundance , peace of mind and good sleep for myself, father, mother, brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces, uncles, aunties, grandmas/pas, friends loved-ones and all people o God...
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