terrorist sleeper cell

  1. Terisard

    202202060643.....What Can I say. I'm an US ...

    202202060643.....What Can I say. I'm an US Army Man and we love the Old Testament..Judges 15:15-'Aramaic Bible in Plain English And he found the hard jawbone of a donkey, and he reached his hand and he took it and he killed one thousand men with it.'..Joint Chiefs of Staff-Honorable General Mark...
  2. Terisard

    Prayer requests: 202110030450

    202110030450..Its rare that I ask for prayers for my finance..I once believed in the supposed nature of a created man, just as the Christos was created, from the dust. As an outsider, my disdain, was ever increasing for what is know as the Tele-evangelist and his Prosperity Gospel. He fell from...
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